Friday, November 15, 2019

Today I ugly cried at a school meeting....

When I got that call that there was a baby at Hasbro I thought it would be temporary. I figured I would snuggle this little nugget until his Mommy and Daddy could reunite with their child. I couldn’t fathom leaving a child in the hospital’s care for months on end, I didn’t know that was even possible! I was so blind to what he had gone through. For months his future was in limbo. We fought so hard. There was so much wrong with the process and the entire system as a whole. Many times I lost my hope in humanity . I was angry. How could anyone do this to him? Why did this happen? How many other children are alone? They may be in the care of someone else but that does not mean they are not alone . This baby needed someone in his corner . Hell, he needed a whole army in his corner and that is what it took to make sure he stayed with us. Adults made poor decisions, a lot of them and it continued while he was in the system. I thought the fight was over the day we adopted him. I’ve never had a child with as many needs. Physical, mental…emotional ! Our family put the work in. WE all put the work in. It has not been easy. I ugly cried at the conclusion of an IEP meeting today l. I tried to keep it together. I cry when I’m angry and I was angry. I wanted him to qualify for more services . I advocated. I felt foolish. Why can I not just be happy that we helped him progress as far as he has? It hit me on my way home . I cried out of LOVE. This tiny human fills my heart with so much JOY. I did not give birth to him, we never planned on another baby! I love this child with every fiber of my being . He is the most amazing addition to our family and despite all of his challenges WE have persevered. I want him to have every opportunity to succeed. It was hard to sit in a room of strangers and discuss his challenges . They’ve known him for one hour. How could they make all these decisions based off of one hour? I could write a novel with all we have been through. For now I will continue on doing what we are doing . He’s surprised me time after time . We got this. 

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