Tuesday, November 24, 2009

St Jude's Children's Hospital

If you have the ability this year please donate to St Jude's every chance you get. They need over 700 million dollars this year. It is a place of hope for these children and they need your help.

St Jude's website

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Baby Hailey circa 07'

I still cannot believe Hailey is almost 2 1/2!! I miss being able to fit her in the sink!!


Are you effing kidding me dude? It's like almost midnight and yet again I am too wound up to sleep. Maybe it's the double espresso shot I had SEVEN HOURS ago. Perhaps it's the fact that the only time I ever have to myself is after everyone is sleeping. Sometimes I need alone time! Don't get me wrong, I love spending QT with the kiddos and my hubby, but a girl needs some time to herself.

My night consisted of an awesome roasted chicken dinner make by my wonderful husband, going grocery shopping and I am now watching the American Music Awards. I feel like this award show was lacking but of course loved my wifey Gaga's performance.

FAV moments of the day :

Me: Hailey, I love you.
Hailey: I love you BABBBAAYYY.
Me: Haha you silly Mamacita.
Hailey:I love you macitaaaaaa

Me:Ugh I think Aunt Flo is spending me a visit, I feel as if she is continuosly punching me in my gut.
Heather: Why did she punch you?
Me: Eh, someday you'll know.
Heather: Noooo tell me now!
Park: Heather, that's enough..eat your dinner.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

My new blog

I've decided to start a new blog on nursing. The site is in the works but when it's finished I have a very specific idea of what I want it to be.

Before I had Hailey I was so clueless. I researched all the wrong things, and did not do enough research on breastfeeding. I thought it would have been a totally different experience and no one ever told me how hard it was going to be.

My new blog, entitled "Nursing your Infant", will hopefully be somewhere women can go to get answers, share their experiences and overall know that what they are doing is not wrong. So many sites on nursing have this underlying tone, making women feel uncomfortable about their idea of what breastfeeding is all about. Not everyone can nurse exclusively, I don't believe formula is the devil and I want everyone to feel comfortable knowing my site is somewhere they can increase their knowledge of the subject all around. The last thing I want to do is put down a mother who want's to learn more about breastfeeding.

I only want to help them know some facts as well as different views on certain subjects. I want a site that covers all bases while allowing each mom to enlighten herself and ultimately have the best nursing experience possible for her and her child.

Click Here to go to the Nursing your Infant blog

Friday, November 20, 2009

Ugly Sweater

Only she can make this look cute.

Parental Sleep Deprivation = serious topic

In my teenage years I had sleeping down to an art form. I was known to sleep until noon, sometimes even later. No sense of urgency or anywhere to be on the weekends. I had an awesome relationship with my bed and my pillow was my best friend.

Fast forward to present day-It's 6:30 am and I'm awake and that's the norm for today. The fact that Ive gotten used to it sickens me. My children are out to get me, and they've started with depriving me of much needed sleep! Don't they know I can hardly function on 5 hours of sleep? Do they not understand that I work nights and usually do not roll into bed until well after midnight? Not to mention the fact that 3 cups of coffee is just not enough anymore!??!?! As MY children they should enjoy sleep as much as I do, who do they think they are bothering me before 10 am?!

I need to teach my 2 year old to make her little sister breakfast. She can already turn on the television by herself, and I'm sure she is capable of caring for her sister while mommy is dreaming away in slumber land..It's a good idea , if not a GREAT idea!! After all,we are working towards a longterm goal of total independence..right?

(The lack of sleep may have contributed to the momentary loss of sanity)


We're Beautiful and Dirty Rich...

I'm so not embarrassed to admit I am obsessed with this woman...FIERCE. The fact that her album is coming out next week makes me giggle like a schoolgirl. LOVE IT!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Moderate Liberal?

I just took a quiz to determine whether I am a Conservative or a Liberal...you would think I do not need an online quiz to tell me that, but I guess I do.

Am I conservative..or a liberal? A Conservative Liberal perhaps? I never know where I stand when it comes to politics and it bugs me. I am constantly researching both sides and often find myself agreeing with both on different issues.

My husband and I often have different beliefs when it comes to politics and we voted differently during this past election. We have conflicting views on our current governor as well, and if we start to discuss topics such as equal marriage (or opposite marriage haha) and abortion,let's just say it NEVER ends well. If it wasnt for his humor and our shared love of sick comedians I swear Id divorce him and take him for all he's worth :-p. So Yeah, we tend not to bring politics up at the dinner table...

Anyway, my result of the quiz was a "Moderate Liberal". So that must be what I am!!! The internet is ALL KNOWING, the quiz was IN MY HEAD.


The horror that is 'Ni Hao! Kai Lan!'

If I hear my daughter scream for Hoho one more time, I may resort to ripping my ears off of my head.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sick Obsession

Not a day goes by without a "MICHAEL JACKSON MOMMY NOW!" or "I WANNA LISTEN TO BOOM BOOM POW", yes ladies and gentlemen, my daughter is obsessed with Michael and the Black Eyed Peas. She yells at me while we are driving to magically make Michael Jackson come on the radio. We get into heated arguments which often result in the silencing of the radio. This kid is 2, and she could so kick my butt.


This child loves her bath time...and she even reminded me to wash behind her ears this time!

The trials and tribulations of a young mom..

I am 22 years old and have two children.

I bathe them, I teach them and yes,I even feed them!

My children are my life and sometimes people have this preconceived notion that I am incapable for caring for another human being. I constantly get the "look", the "Oh my God she is a :GASP: teen mom!" look. I am so sick of that look and tired of the treatment I have endured from those same people judging me based on my looks. I suppose I may look a few years younger, but last year had a woman ask if I was 15 years old. I get why someone would judge a 15 year old with two children, but I am sick of getting judged.

I am married and my husband and I are raising our 2 children to the best of our ability. Oh and I even brush their teeth!!!! To think a young mom may even be a GREAT mom! Oh the horror!