Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Moderate Liberal?

I just took a quiz to determine whether I am a Conservative or a would think I do not need an online quiz to tell me that, but I guess I do.

Am I conservative..or a liberal? A Conservative Liberal perhaps? I never know where I stand when it comes to politics and it bugs me. I am constantly researching both sides and often find myself agreeing with both on different issues.

My husband and I often have different beliefs when it comes to politics and we voted differently during this past election. We have conflicting views on our current governor as well, and if we start to discuss topics such as equal marriage (or opposite marriage haha) and abortion,let's just say it NEVER ends well. If it wasnt for his humor and our shared love of sick comedians I swear Id divorce him and take him for all he's worth :-p. So Yeah, we tend not to bring politics up at the dinner table...

Anyway, my result of the quiz was a "Moderate Liberal". So that must be what I am!!! The internet is ALL KNOWING, the quiz was IN MY HEAD.


1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA Love the Blog Meg you are great at this. Keep it up. Love ya baby.
