Friday, November 20, 2009

Parental Sleep Deprivation = serious topic

In my teenage years I had sleeping down to an art form. I was known to sleep until noon, sometimes even later. No sense of urgency or anywhere to be on the weekends. I had an awesome relationship with my bed and my pillow was my best friend.

Fast forward to present day-It's 6:30 am and I'm awake and that's the norm for today. The fact that Ive gotten used to it sickens me. My children are out to get me, and they've started with depriving me of much needed sleep! Don't they know I can hardly function on 5 hours of sleep? Do they not understand that I work nights and usually do not roll into bed until well after midnight? Not to mention the fact that 3 cups of coffee is just not enough anymore!??!?! As MY children they should enjoy sleep as much as I do, who do they think they are bothering me before 10 am?!

I need to teach my 2 year old to make her little sister breakfast. She can already turn on the television by herself, and I'm sure she is capable of caring for her sister while mommy is dreaming away in slumber land..It's a good idea , if not a GREAT idea!! After all,we are working towards a longterm goal of total independence..right?

(The lack of sleep may have contributed to the momentary loss of sanity)


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